What more do you get with Professional?
Professional Subscriptions - The Benefits! The Membership Page shows you the difference between the Premium and Professional subscriptions. Arguably the biggest addition is the use of ProStats! ProStats allows you to filter the ratings to find profitable angles or systems. These systems can be saved and future qualifiers found as soon as the ratings are released! Our members have called ProStats - A 'Game Changer' (https://storage.crisp.chaFew readersWhat is ProStats?
ProStats ProStats is our System builder. TipStats where you can filter your NAPs, Selections and NagMe's only allows you to use those you have submitted in your filters. ProStats on the other hand looks at the entire RatingTheRaces database (at the time of creating this article, there were nearly 90,000 races in the database) Using ProStats you can quickly and easily find trends and angles to help you find those winners. You can also create, save and quickly run saved systems to find theFew readersWhat is the R1 Rank in ProStats
R1 Rank We have introduced a new data filter in the ProStats tool which is available for Professional Members which is called R1 Rank. R1 Rank is very simply the R1 scores for each horse in a race then turned into a Rank. So the horse with the highest R1 score in the race is R1 Rank 1, the horse with the 2nd highest R1 score in the race is R1 Rank 2 and so on. Let's have a look at an example:Few readers