What do AV3, AV10 and their Ranks mean?
AV Ratings and AV Ranks
AV Ratings
AV3 and AV10 Ratings
AV3 is the average of the horses last 3 R Scores (R1, R2 and R3). These are the performance figures we have calculated for these runs. R1 is their most recent run, R2 their 2nd most recent run and so on.
AV10 is the average of the horses last 10 R Scores (R1 to R10).
AV Rank
AV3 and AV10 Ranks
AV3 Rank is the rank their AV3 Rating is compared to the other horses AV3 Ratings.
AV10 Rank is the rank their AV10 Ratings is compared to the other horses AV10 Ratings.
Updated on: 27/11/2018
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